Beach Dodgeball Line Clarifications

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Marketing Manager

Beach Dodgeball takes your favourite sport and throws it in the sand! Not only are you then able to enjoy the sunshine, but you also get to take your dodging skills to a whole new level without worrying about landing on a hard floor. Still, moving the game from a gym into the sand does mean that some rules do change along with the setting.

Our Beach Dodgeball leagues are ran out of our Lendrum beach courts and we use the volleyball lines to create the Dodgeball court. Because of this and the fact that there are no gym walls to act as the outer court boundary, players must understand that the volleyball lines' boundary extends upward as if there was an imaginary wall. This then means that as soon as a dodgeball crosses that line, that it is as dead as it would be if it were to hit a gym wall. Therefore, as cool as it might sound for a player to jump out of the line to catch a ball before it hits the sand, it would have already been dead anyways. That plus the fact that just like with indoor Dodgeball, a player must remain inside the court during play and cannot leave the court boundary in attempt to dodge or catch a ball.

A couple other unique Beach Dodgeball rules worth mentioning:

  • A full team consists of 5 players (with at least 2 females).
  • If a dodgeball were to hit a volleyball post, it is also considered dead instantly.

Be sure to keep these rules in mind next time you hit the beach.

Have fun out there!