Division Specific Rules

3's and 4's

  • Intermediate Division: If one player serves 5 consecutive points, the team retains service possession but must rotate to another server
  • Intermediate Plus and Competitive Division: There is no limit to the number of consecutive serves by one player
  • Open Handed Tipping is not allowed; players who contact the ball with one hand and are putting the ball over the net must cleanly hit with:
    • The heel or palm of hand (a roll shot)
    • A straight, locked fingers and a locked wrist (a cobra)
    • Curled fingers
    • The back of the hand (locked wrist and locked fingers/knuckles)
  • Intermediate Division: Jump serves are not allowed
  • Intermediate Plus and Competitive Division: Jump serves are permitted
  • There are no court position restrictions, but service rotation must remain the same throughout a single game
  • ‘Dumping’ is not allowed
    • If a player is going to 'set' into the opponent's court, the player must contact the ball above the shoulders and it must be set directly forward or backward in relation to the player's body


  • If one player serves 5 consecutive points, the team retains service possession but must rotate to another server
  • Player rotation is established at the start of each game
    • Players must be in their correct rotation prior to each serve
  • Jump serves are not permitted
  • Hard hitting is not permitted in the Recreational/Recreational Plus Division
  • Controlled hard hitting is permitted in the Intermediate Division