4's Division Specific Rules

  • If one player serves 5 consecutive points, the team retains service possession but must rotate to another server.
  • Open Handed Tipping is not allowed: Players who contact the ball with one hand and are putting the ball over the net must cleanly hit with:
    • The heel or palm of hand (a roll shot).
    • A straight, locked fingers and a locked wrist (a cobra).
    • Curled fingers (a camel toe).
    • The back of the hand (locked wrist and locked fingers/knuckles).
    • One-handed placement or redirection of the ball with the fingers (open-handed tip) is a fault.
  • Jump serves are not allowed in the Intermediate division.
  • There are no court position restrictions or requirements in 4’s beach volleyball, but service rotation must remain the same throughout a single game. For example, players can stay in the same court position an entire game (at the net/back row etc) but each player must serve in the same service rotation for the entire game.
  • If a player is going to 'set' into the opponent's court, the player must contact the ball with 2 hands above the shoulders and it must be set directly forward or backward in relation to the player's body. ‘Dumping’ is not allowed.