
Yelling in Curling

Friday, January 29, 2016

There aren’t too many sports where screaming at your teammates the entire time is not only acceptable, but even encouraged. For example, Click Here to watch a clip from the 2006 Olympics (I apologize for the low video quality but the sound will make up for it).

The skip uses their voice to let his or her sweepers know when to sweep and how hard. Let’s just say that it can get loud. Very loud. Here’s why:

Tips for 'Newbie' Curlers

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

If you’ve decided to sign-up for an ESSC Curling League or Tournament and are new to the sport, you’ve come to the right place! Other curling leagues in Edmonton are typically quite competitive but our ‘fun-first, winning-second’ leagues are perfect for beginners. Here are a couple tips for our ‘newbies’:



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