Community Involvement

The Edmonton Sport & Social Club (ESSC) does more than meet Edmontonians’ sport and social needs. We are a community-minded organization that strives to support local charities, groups and causes. Fundraisers, gift cards, monetary support, and equipment and clothing donations are just a few of the ways we have committed to giving back not only to sport, but to the rest of the community as well.

Our Mission: The ESSC will support the local community and help others. The Club will assist organizations that have similar values and/or a passion for making Edmonton a better City for everyone to call home. As well, the ESSC will lead by example and promote ecological awareness in order to help reduce the impact on the environment.

SSC Inclusion, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Racism Policy

The Sport and Social Club (SSC) recognizes that racism, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and violence is harmful to our community, not only for the group(s) targeted, but for all SSC participants. The SSC is committed to creating and maintaining a safe sport environment which is free of discrimination and harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, can contribute fully and have equal opportunities. All SSC participants are expected to uphold these values and actively maintain a sport environment that fosters respect, is anti-discriminatory, and actively anti-racist. Please click here to read our full SSC Inclusion, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Racism Policy.

Drop-In Program Donations

Did you know?! All profits from our Drop-In Sports programs are donated to various charities, communities and organizations in our city/province.

2023 - $4,000

In 2023, we split the profits and donated them to the following organizations:

  1. National Black Coalition of Canada - Edmonton Chapter, an organization that strives to create positive impacts on the lives of everyone in the black community, encouraging youth to realize their full potential.

  2. Pride Centre of Edmonton, supporting the needs of people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, and of the people in their lives.

  3. Special Olympics Alberta, an inclusive sport organization supporting over 3,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities, bringing the transformative power and joy of sport to communities across the province.

  4. Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association, supports active member Friendship Centres who, through program and service delivery, engage with and improve the quality of life for urban Indigenous people.

50/50 Donations

Did you know?! All proceeds from 50/50's at our Tournaments and Events are donated to various charities, communities and organizations in our city/province.

In 2023, our event fundraising contributed over $3,500 to various charities around Edmonton, including Motionball, Sport Central and Pride Centre of Edmonton.

Bring Your A, O, B, and AB Game with Canadian Blood Services

The need for blood is constant. Over 100,000 new blood donors are needed every year to ensure patients in Canada have access to lifesaving blood and blood products, where and when they need them. You can make a meaningful difference for those who live, work, study and play in your communities and across Canada.

Join the ESSC Blood Donor team and give the gift of life!


The ESSC squad is putting the Mo and Move in Movember! To generate awareness and donations for men's mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer, our team are rising to the challenge, whether that's growing an impressive 'stache or going the distance with an inter-SSC step competition where the top three steppers will have their hard-earned steps converted into a donation for their Club!

2020 - $1,341 Raised

2021 - $1,295 Raised

2022 - $2,050 Raised

2023 - $2,798 Raised

2024 - ???

Huge shout-out to everyone who participated in raising money and awareness, and to all of those who donated each year!