
Let's Talk Strategy - Dump and Catch

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

In this installment of Let’s Talk Strategy, we’re going to address the ol’ Dump and Catch. This is when someone is in possession of a ball, they quickly get rid of it, and then successfully catch another ball; all while remaining live in the game.

A few ways of dumping the ball includes:

  1. Sending it over the centre line;
  2. Passing to another teammate;
  3. Passing to yourself or dropping the ball.

I know that last option sounds a bit crazy, but stick with me and I’ll explain more!

High Throws; Why It’s Time to Take a Seat

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Whether you’re playing Rubber or Foam Dodgeball, head shots are not allowed. I think we’re all smart enough to know why they are not allowed and we’re all pretty clear on what a head shot is (it’s when the ball, you know, HITS YOU IN THE HEAD). What seems to be a bit more controversial are what we call a ‘Dangerous High Throw’, specifically in Rubber Dodgeball. 

What is a Dangerous High Throw?

Beach Dodgeball Line Clarifications

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Beach Dodgeball takes your favourite sport and throws it in the sand! Not only are you then able to enjoy the sunshine, but you also get to take your dodging skills to a whole new level without worrying about landing on a hard floor. Still, moving the game from a gym into the sand does mean that some rules do change along with the setting.

The Kamikaze

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

There is a little known rule in our rulebook. One that can change an entire game, and also add a ton of fun at the end of any match. The Kamikaze. Check out page 9 of the Dodgeball Rulebook for a full explanation HERE.

Waiting Out the Clock – Strategic or Unsportsmanlike?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

There’s less than 1 minute left in the game and you’re the only player left on the court; your team’s last hope. You’re itching to make a catch to tie the game and become a hero BUT the other team has something else in mind. They run out the clock by throwing uncatchable throws. 30 seconds left. 10 seconds left. And that’s game. Were your opponents being strategic or unsportsmanlike? Here are the different sides to consider:


Strategy vs. Pandemonium

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Beach Dodgeball is without a doubt one of the crazier sports in the ESSC lineup. It’s fast paced, loud, exciting, and sweaty! A lot of teams that make the move to Beach Dodgeball do it because they want a small change from their regular Dodgeball games. Other teams are brand new to the ESSC and just want to try something fun! Either way, there is always room in our leagues, but it brings up a good point: is Beach Dodgeball more about strategy or pandemonium?

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