Strategy vs. Pandemonium

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Marketing Manager

Beach Dodgeball is without a doubt one of the crazier sports in the ESSC lineup. It’s fast paced, loud, exciting, and sweaty! A lot of teams that make the move to Beach Dodgeball do it because they want a small change from their regular Dodgeball games. Other teams are brand new to the ESSC and just want to try something fun! Either way, there is always room in our leagues, but it brings up a good point: is Beach Dodgeball more about strategy or pandemonium?

Strategy is a key factor in any regular Dodgeball game. Many teams come up with a game plan before the match starts and they know exactly what every player is meant to do. Other teams just throw the ball and hope for the best. While there is certainly room for strategy in any form of Dodgeball, Beach is where it can fall to the wayside. This creates a very light atmosphere that is all about fun. The added cushion of the sand mixed with the hilarious outfits and complete lack of sleeves, makes for an entertaining match every time.

The ESSC always promotes fun first, but Beach Dodgeball definitely brings it to a whole new level. Teams can absolutely still use their strategy from regular Dodgeball, but be prepared to abandon it in the name of pure pandemonium. If you don’t have sand in your shorts at the end of each game, you’re doing something wrong!

Have fun out there,