Premium Slo-Pitch Equipment Set-Up

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Marketing Manager

Adding Premium Equipment to your weekly ESSC Slo-Pitch games is a great way to increase enjoyment, player satisfaction, and sportsmanship. However, many players would be shocked to learn that not every Team Captain knows how to properly set up their fancy new equipment! Fear not, we’re here to set the record straight.

First things first, players can buy premium equipment during our equipment pick-up dates prior to each season. If you happen to miss these, you can visit us during our regular business hours and we’d be happy to help you out. For more information about the equipment, including pick-up dates and pricing, click HERE.

So, you have your brand new premium equipment and it’s time to set it up! Here are the 7 simple steps:

  1. Loosen the straps on the bottom of the bases to provide slack for the pegs.
  2. Slide the pegs on to the straps on the bottom of the bases, with one peg at each end of the base for a total of 2 pegs per base. Twist the peg so that the head is oriented on the outside of the base, so you can easily hit it with the mallet.
  3. Repeat step 2 until each base has one peg attached to the end of each strap.
  4. Consult the field set up diagram for proper field set up instructions.
  5. Use the mallet to pound in each peg straight into the shale.
  6. Complete step 5 for each base.
  7. Once the game is over, use the hook on the back of the mallet to pull the pegs out of the ground.

There are a number of things that you must consider when setting up your bases; some helpful tips include:

  • Do your best to have the buckles on each strap in the center of the bottom of the bases. This will lower the chance that you will hit the buckles with your mallet, which may ruin them.
  • Hammer the pegs in so that they will not interfere with the runner or the infielders. If the pegs are not hammered in all the way, or if they are on a strange angle, it could result in injury.
  • Only use the rubber mallet provided, or another rubber mallet of your choosing. It might make sense to bring a hammer to put the pegs in, but this could result in bending or breaking the pegs, or even ripping the base if you miss the peg.
  • Take a second look when you are all done and make sure that your bases are set up nice and straight. Get an opinion from someone else on your team or the other team, just to make sure that everything looks good.
    • Remember that they do not have to be absolutely perfect. In Slo-Pitch, the field is the same for everyone, so each team will have to play on the same bases!

For more information about premium equipment, click HERE.