High Throws; Why It’s Time to Take a Seat

Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Marketing Manager

Whether you’re playing Rubber or Foam Dodgeball, head shots are not allowed. I think we’re all smart enough to know why they are not allowed and we’re all pretty clear on what a head shot is (it’s when the ball, you know, HITS YOU IN THE HEAD). What seems to be a bit more controversial are what we call a ‘Dangerous High Throw’, specifically in Rubber Dodgeball. 

What is a Dangerous High Throw?

Let’s get technical for a second here and look to the rule book: a dangerous high throw occurs when the majority of a thrown ball is above the shoulders of a player when they are standing upright or jumping, but does not make contact with that player’s head.

More of a visual learner? Here you go:

What Happens When a Head Shot is Thrown?

If you throw a dangerous high throw, you’re eliminated. Put your hand up, hang your head in shame, and get off the court. You won’t do yourself any favours by trying to pass it off as a legal throw; we all know it wasn’t and the GC will call you out on it anyway.

The ‘What-Ifs’:

  1. If you attempt to catch a dangerous high throw and fail, then again, both you and the person who threw the dangerous high throw are out.
  2. A “lob” is not considered a dangerous high-throw.

Have fun out there and remember…. always dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge, and don’t throw dangerous high throws.