Yelling in Curling

Friday, January 29, 2016

Sr. Marketing Manager

There aren’t too many sports where screaming at your teammates the entire time is not only acceptable, but even encouraged. For example, Click Here to watch a clip from the 2006 Olympics (I apologize for the low video quality but the sound will make up for it).

The skip uses their voice to let his or her sweepers know when to sweep and how hard. Let’s just say that it can get loud. Very loud. Here’s why:

  • They must project their voice to be heard down the ice
  • There are often several games being played at once so players are competing with their neighbours
  • It’s fun to scream every once in a while!

Need help deciphering what all of the yelling is about? Here are some of the basics:

  • “Hard!” means sweep hard
  • “Hurry hard!” means sweep hard
  • “Right up!” also means sweep hard
  • “Yup!” means sweep
  • “WHOA!” means stop
  • “Right off!” also means stop

Pretty technical stuff right?

Good luck in your screaming endeavours and if you still have a voice the next day, you didn’t try HARD enough.